Sons and Daughters of the King, Psychological Hang-Ups Hinder Us
We’re each children, born of man and woman, and yet intentionally made by God, our Creator. You are an heir of God, co-heir with Christ. You are a son or daughter of the King! Amazing, right? How can we live like this is reality? For many of us, our earthly father/son or daughter relationship taints our connection with God. Why does that happen? How can we change our perception of God as our Father? Can we stop the psychological hang-ups from hindering our walk with God?
We Have Full Access to God and His Qualities Now
We’re living in an amazing time! For those of us who are drawn into relationship with God, we’re able to experience life in His kingdom, a place where peace, joy, and unconditional love are available at all times to us. When the veil was torn at the release of Jesus’ Spirit, so was the division between us and our Creator, We have full access to God and His qualities if we choose to come close to Him and live in this Spiritual realm, in His Kingdom. What you believe is key and may need to be shaken. Read more on that in my blog The Living God.
Earthly Perceptions Impact Our Connection With God
I spoke at a women’s retreat on this topic. I shared the importance of recognizing the impact our earthly relationships have on us and how we allow those impressions to interfere in our role as sons or daughters of the King. Whether the relationship with our earthly father was good or bad, for many, it indicates how we relate to God and how we think He sees us. I’ve recorded what I originally said at that retreat. Take a moment to get quiet, put your headphones on, and click the seventeen minute video below. Let yourself explore your own journey. Perhaps God will reveal a freedom you can experience now.
God’s peace,
Rebecca L Matthews
Watch the Video and Experience A Closer Connection with God
Watch the seventeen minute video below to hear the speech I gave with this powerful message. Contact me for a written copy of this speech or to have me speak to your group.