You were created on purpose and for a purpose, to live intimately connected with God. Within this relationship, whether you’re standing on a mountaintop or in the fog of the valley, the presence of God within will lead you into freedom.
Blogs to Bolster the Broken
No matter your situation, when you shift your focus to God, you give Him control. In turn, He imparts His peace to soothe and comfort. His strength lifts you and His wisdom is available to guide your steps. Look to Him.
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Do You Hear Them?
Why are the timid, the weak, the loving always attacked? Why can’t we win against evil? How can hate be so powerful? Peace on earth can be experienced! It is real!
The wrong shall fail. The right can prevail. Do you hear the bells? They are ringing out your freedom!
Social Media Acceptance Wanted
Social media acceptance, the need for those beyond our local reach to approve of us, is a driving force in the daily life of many. However, evil lurks on the internet, overstepping moral boundaries. Seek God’s wisdom and take protective steps.
Old Haunts Taunt
We’re creatures of habit, change is hard, and our minds are powerful. Though true, these three thoughts influence us negatively when old haunts taunt.
God’s Lovingkindness, Where is it?
God’s lovingkindness and faithfulness come into question with the tragedies many face. If it’s good to thank and praise Him, how can we when struggles are so overwhelming?
In Need of Peace
Lost and broken, we are in need of peace. When life is difficult and we’re weary, hope seems to elude us? Are we being scammed or sold lost hope? Is peace even possible?
Peace of Heaven, Is it Your Goal?
It’s brilliant, the colors produced by frost, but this is July. Just like our lives, seasons have expected goals, yet change disrupts. Is the peace of heaven your goal?
Live Spiritually Healthy in 2025!
Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm
Chris’s Nostalgia Shop, 30 Union St, Whitefield, NH
Was 2024 challenging? Do you pray for a sense of peace in 2025? Perhaps a focus on your spiritual health is the best place to start.
Join Christian author Rebecca L. Matthews for an uplifting evening full of fellowship and encouragement as she talks about spiritual health. The event will include a Q&A at the end and her books will be on display (available for purchase and signing). All are welcome. RSVP is encouraged by 02/12/25.
Are you interested in having Rebecca speak at your private event?
Click the button below to send her your request.