You were created on purpose and for a purpose, to live intimately connected with God. Within this relationship, whether you’re standing on a mountaintop or in the fog of the valley, the presence of God within will lead you into freedom.
Blogs to Bolster the Broken
No matter your situation, when you shift your focus to God, you give Him control. In turn, He imparts His peace to soothe and comfort. His strength lifts you and His wisdom is available to guide your steps. Look to Him.
Co-Parenting with God
Entrusting our children to God can be difficult but rewarding. He is powerful and uses His influence to bring about His will. Allow Him the same in your children’s lives.
Marriage’s Silver Lining
My husband, Chris, and I have been married thirteen years today. A couple years ago, I wrote about our life and thought it fitting to share here today. Click and enjoy.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Today I celebrate the second anniversary of The Truth Will Set You Free, my third Christian fiction novel. May it encourage many who have lost hope. Christ is the Truth.
Why Have You Forsaken Me?
God, why have You forsaken me? A question many of us ask. Life is difficult. You are never alone. Christ died, tearing the veil of separation between God and His children.
Happy Anniversary, Raindrops and Snowflakes
Today’s the second anniversary of my second children’s book, Raindrops and Snowflakes. It’s a story of question, blessings, and the peace that comes from trusting God’s will.
My Wall – Short Fiction
“My Wall” isn’t just a story, it’s something we all build. They’re heavy, burdensome, and no matter how necessary we feel they are, they’re limiting to our lives. Be free!