Power in Silence

Two minutes of silence beginning at 2:11 pm EST on Veteran’s Day, a moment to focus on our country’s honorable veterans’ courageous service and sacrifice, offers unified appreciation. There is power in silence, but what you do during these two minutes of quiet could be far more powerful.

Jesus stayed in constant communion with God, His Father. We are called to be “all in” in this relationship, as well. Within this intimate connection, we become obedient to the will of our Master. This degree of devotion and trust is also held within the person of an honorable veteran.

Trust In A Limitless Leader

God sees all, knows the future, and pursues His will with power. His is a Spiritual rationale we can’t possibly comprehend. As soldiers in His army, we are limited beings, but we are directed by a limitless Leader with perfect purpose.

Within the world, there will be much trouble. We are exposed to horrific events, experience tragedy, and witness the unthinkable. These occurrences may touch us personally or come from a distant place, but the results on our hearts, in either case, can be disastrous.

The Mental Health of Our Honorable Veterans

Our veterans sacrifice time with family, personal safety, and relinquish their own choices, all in order to uphold the plans of government leaders. These soldiers’ realities, in many cases, become memories they cannot separate from, yet can’t put into words. Their truths are so far removed from those of friends and family they left behind during deployments.

The mental health of many of our veterans is compromised, for who can understand what horrors flit through the minds of survivors. Guilt, flashbacks, and strong responses to seemingly minor things weigh heavy, so heavy that the struggle is difficult to overcome.

Soldiers of the Lord

For soldiers of the Lord, the attack evil tries to impart also causes such mental distress. Just as those who serve our country must trust their leaders, those who serve our Lord benefit by trusting in the direction of our Leader. It is necessary that we allow any burdens to fall on His shoulders, rather than ours.

When focused on God, knowing only He sees the bigger picture, we can serve wholeheartedly. He has our full backing, regardless of how things appear. When intimately close to God, we have His strength to uphold us, His wisdom to guide our next steps, and His peace to comfort us when the battle is tragic.

Unite In Silence For A Purpose

These two minutes of silence we are encouraged to participate in is an opportunity to impact the mental health and overall lives of veterans of our country. By using the silence to not only honor them but to pray for them, from one soldier to another, we can unite for a purpose that is monumental.

Jesus went away often to be alone and converse with His Father. His example of such necessary communion implores that we should follow suit. Get quiet with our Father, talk with Him, and let’s lift up the veterans of our country, especially those who are suffering in their own cursed silence.

Let Us Pray

God, I lift up to You the honorable veterans of my country. I pray that You reveal Your presence and peace deep within their souls. Lead them to experience a freedom from burden they could not have imagined in their own power. Let these honorable men and women gain contentment in You. Help them recognize that the bigger picture is in Your hands, and that they need not suffer from the difficult experiences that were out of their control. And let them know they are loved. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s peace,


For more on the power of being obedient to God, read Valuable Ladies Move Mountains!

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