You were created on purpose and for a purpose, to live intimately connected with God. Within this relationship, whether you’re standing on a mountaintop or in the fog of the valley, the presence of God within will lead you into freedom.

Blogs to Bolster the Broken

No matter your situation, when you shift your focus to God, you give Him control. In turn, He imparts His peace to soothe and comfort. His strength lifts you and His wisdom is available to guide your steps. Look to Him.

You Are Chosen!

You Are Chosen!

Do you trust God? Spend some time pondering this question. The answer to it is extremely important and may be life changing for you. You will learn a lot about yourself …

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Embrace A Fear of God

Embrace A Fear of God

A question was asked of me: Are there any good fears? Immediately, I knew the answer. Yes. My last blog was titled Fear Displaced. It discussed how fear loses its place …

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Fear Displaced

Fear Displaced

Fear. It doesn’t just cripple the moment, it taints all aspects of life. It distorts truth. What is perceived as real is far from reality. It hinders. It chains and oppresses.

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Bible Verse of the Day

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.

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