You were created on purpose and for a purpose, to live intimately connected with God. Within this relationship, whether you’re standing on a mountaintop or in the fog of the valley, the presence of God within will lead you into freedom.
Blogs to Bolster the Broken
No matter your situation, when you shift your focus to God, you give Him control. In turn, He imparts His peace to soothe and comfort. His strength lifts you and His wisdom is available to guide your steps. Look to Him.
Life’s Ups and Downs
Life’s ups and downs can be challenging. It’s good, and then it’s bad. We lose, and then we gain. Security is achieved, and then becomes unclear. We love and laugh, and we get hurt and cry. This is a sampling of the difficult earthly life we walk. There seems to be no surety, no steady journey upward toward a concrete goal, at least not by what’s seen.
Seeds of Suspicion
People are joining forces or turning against one another as seeds of suspicion are sown. But these seeds, even if taken root, can’t grow enough to choke out God’s power and will. This is a spiritual battle, and it’s not for us to fight. God is at work.
The Tree of Life
The tree of life (intimate relationship with God) is at hand, inspiring others to partake. God’s fruit (His qualities), evident in His children (the righteous-by His act, not ours), encourages others toward a relationship with God and the unashamed freedom it offers.
Mothers, Where is Your Faith?
Rather than exerting all our efforts into making perfect lives for our children, which is impossible, let’s instead stand on faith when things go awry. When our children face the many difficulties that life will introduce them to, it would be most important that they know Who to turn to and Who to lean on for strength and peace. God is the only One who can help them endure and thrive.
Life’s Storms From A New Perspective
Life’s storms can be overwhelming. Seeing them from a new perspective, a higher point of view, through the eyes of God, can afford peace in the midst of them and give great hope for a time when they’re nothing more than a mere memory.
Life is Fleeting and Tomorrow is Unknown – Let God Work
It was an interesting mix of personalities, those that surrounded me. I sat reading in the waiting room, keeping separate and quiet, close to my Lord. My trust wanted to lie in Him and Him alone, regardless of the outcome.
Live Spiritually Healthy in 2025!
Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm
Chris’s Nostalgia Shop, 30 Union St, Whitefield, NH
Was 2024 challenging? Do you pray for a sense of peace in 2025? Perhaps a focus on your spiritual health is the best place to start.
Join Christian author Rebecca L. Matthews for an uplifting evening full of fellowship and encouragement as she talks about spiritual health. The event will include a Q&A at the end and her books will be on display (available for purchase and signing). All are welcome. RSVP is encouraged by 02/12/25.
Are you interested in having Rebecca speak at your private event?
Click the button below to send her your request.