You were created on purpose and for a purpose, to live intimately connected with God. Within this relationship, whether you’re standing on a mountaintop or in the fog of the valley, the presence of God within will lead you into freedom.
Blogs to Bolster the Broken
No matter your situation, when you shift your focus to God, you give Him control. In turn, He imparts His peace to soothe and comfort. His strength lifts you and His wisdom is available to guide your steps. Look to Him.
Honor Thy Mother – A Mother’s Day Tribute
Honor? Heck, I had little respect for my mother and showed that regularly. Those were my teen, rebellious years. Much later in life, my mother acted as though my poor behavior toward her never happened. Bless her rugged soul. Now I hope faith shines through me as it had her, an honor to her legacy.
Don’t Be Sorry
God is good, but sometimes we don’t recognize it until later; after the trauma plays out, after the guilt sets in. He lays the groundwork and, like a domino chain reaction, when the timing is right, God tips the initiating piece and revelation soon follows.
God, How Can I Help?
I awoke one night recently and immediately sought the Lord. My heart was troubled and I wondered if He might use me to make some difference. In my communion with Him I asked, “How can I help?” His response was clear as he assured me to simply rest in Him.
Walk Like Jesus
It’s a tough walk here on earth. Whose example can we follow to have peace and joy in life? Jesus was a figure that stood out, drew a crowd, and yet embodied an element of humble peace. He didn’t seem to seek attention, it just came to Him. Even in tragedy, He remained outwardly calm. If there ever was someone we should be like, it’s Him. Let’s walk like Jesus!
The Lost Valuable – A Short Story
God had reached out and purposely laid a lost valuable in Walter’s hands. In turn, he reached out to God, hungry for more and was led in a new way, into relationship, into forgiveness and mercy.
The Steps To Achieve A Successful Life
Is the successful life we’ve been chasing after all along elusive? From failure to tragedy and all the difficulties in between, so many things discourage us. If only we could know the right steps. There’s a simplicity to this that’s just as mysterious. We can let God in to live through us. Allow Him to do the work, create the vision unique to each of us, and fulfill it.